Ken Walker Art Collections
Shop for artwork from Ken Walker based on themed collections. Each image may be purchased as a canvas print, framed print, metal print, and more! Every purchase comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
Shop for artwork based on subjects. Each image may be purchased as a canvas print, framed print, metal print, and more! Every purchase comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
Artwork by Ken Walker
Each image may be purchased as a canvas print, framed print, metal print, and more! Every purchase comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Leta by Ken Walker

Watcher by Ken Walker

Monday In The Park With Vivian by Ken Walker

Bee, Cuz by Ken Walker

Industrial 5-5-7 by Ken Walker

Getting Along by Ken Walker

Kinda Blue by Ken Walker

Missing Pieces by Ken Walker

A Father's Love by Ken Walker

Dionysus by Ken Walker

Water in the Desert by Ken Walker

Old Tjikko by Ken Walker

Boyz4Now - Whisper In Your Eyes by Ken Walker

24601 - Les Miserables by Ken Walker

Ristorante by Ken Walker

Bonejangles - Remains of the Day by Ken Walker

The Grand Facade by Ken Walker

Winter In Manhattan by Ken Walker

Our Secret Place by Ken Walker

International Man Of Mystery by Ken Walker

The Dreaming Tree by Ken Walker

Scrantonicity 2 - Spill the Beans by Ken Walker

Timeless - Tree of Life - Special Edition - 6 by Ken Walker

Color Me Dexter by Ken Walker
Displaying: 1 - 24 of 373
From The Artist...
"There are only two worthwhile things to leave behind when you depart this world of ours - children and art!" - Sunday In The Park With George
I've been fortunate to have been blessed with both a beautiful daughter and a talent for music and art.
Welcome! They say that a good biography is in the 3rd person - I prefer to be more personal. If you've taken the time to read this, then you deserve something more, something more personal and heartfelt to get to know me as an artist and as a person. To understand the art, it is good to understand the journey the artist takes: The joys and scars along the way. Take a moment to experience my work, and you'll notice a common thread: Hope and Healing. Communicating all I've learned in overcoming all I've experience, is the motivation and inspiration behind each piece of art created.
I have always been creative, this I get from my father, who was a musician and a copy artist. At age 3, 1970, I was already singing and playing the tennis racket (don't judge. I hear I was a racket prodigy). I grew up in a little Foursquare church, in San Jose, CA, where I still reside, singing with my parents on stage. Throughout my childhood, I would continue to sing, learn to play piano, bass and guitar, get involved with musical theater, and eventually form a few bands and becoming a proficient song writer.
My life would change forever when I met the love of my life and married her at age 25. The jewel of my heart, Missy, was one of those kinds of souls that connected with everyone around her, no matter your background. I was the opposite. I was a painted shell around some deep wounds from my childhood full of abuse. I would learn later that the light she cast was bright enough to see through the veil of darkness hiding all my pain. She saw the real me. This inspired me to be a better man. And better I would eventually become because of her. After the birth of our beautiful daughter Deanna, a.k.a., "Little One", Missy was diagnosed with MS. I was suddenly thrust into being essential a single father and a full-time nurse/caretaker. For a young man barely mature enough to be husband, my life was quickly deteriorating.
At the start, art was purely escapism, needing an safe place to hide and a new outlet for my creativity. Having a computer available, I discovered the world of digital art. I experimented with photo compositing, and enhancements, but soon grew bored. I wanted to paint, although I had no training to do so. It was a fortunate accident that I discovered ways to use layers of images to created brush strokes, texture, color, pattern, shadow, etc. with little need for a brush tool or brush filter.
Sadly, in 2005, my dearest love passed away from complications due to pneumonia, a frequent occurrence with MS patients in her advanced condition. Unable to carry the weight of hidden woundedness, I quickly re-married in order to forgo the process of grieving. As one would expect, pain does not like to be ignored, and I spectacularly sabotaged my married. Fortunately for my daughter and I, my ex-wife was gracious enough to let me go. A gift I treasure to this day.
They say that most people wake up sometime in their 40's to discover that their life needs some overhauling. This was true for me. In deep depression, and hopeless, I was ready to give up, if not for being introduced to the concept of Arrested Development (or Internal Family System as some call it): During our development as children, we learn basic skills to walk through life, eventually becoming healthy balanced adults. As is all too common, children rarely grow up in safe, nurturing homes, most exposed to less than ideal upbringings and as such, never develop properly. Doctors have learned that any violation (emotion/physical abuse, rejection, dysfunctional interactions in the home) will stop emotional growth, leading to immature adults later in life - even if those adults seem capable in the grownup world in which they live. Understanding this, I began to identify traits and lifestyle choices directly resulting from unhealed emotional trauma. As wounds were being healed, so to was my life becoming richer - and my art was shifting.
In 2020, while the world was in lockdown, time opened up a connection between what I was working on personally, and the art I was producing. My artwork, now more abstract, was being influenced by a message my heart wanting to tell to anyone who would listen: There was hope. For those wondering why they are the way they are, there was an answer.
Near the end of 2020 to June of 2021, I took a "sabbatical" and focused my attention on more healing and my new business. But I couldn't stay away for long. I came back here at the start of June, 2021, and started where I had left off. More abstracts. More message of hope and healing. Some experimentation.
Recently, September 2021, I was inspired to write poetry. I've been tying in poetry with my paintings to bring a cohesion to the heart I wish to share. If you've read this far, please take a moment to read some of the stories, musings, and poetry in the description portion of the image page.
Thank you for visiting.
Balance - Sunday In The Park With George
Ken Walker 10/09/2021
This is a very personal piece for me, dedicated to my late wife (1972-2005). Poem of the same name.
Our Secret Place
I remember all the little things, once forgotten
now treasures quietly preserved, memories of You.
The grove of Dogwoods still stands,
casting light amongst the forest elms,
Autumn’s glow across the purple bench
where we first met. Sweet serendipity.
I visit you there and each captured moment.
From time to time, we laugh and wonder
why were all the silly arguments so dire?
Our heart flows joyful tears, watching
our Little One growing wiser every day.
You’d be proud of the woman she’s become.
She has kept you close to her heart
your gift: the smile just for her.
Beloved, I do not want to leave this place,
Yet the light piercing through the trees beckons
a new start.
I must leave you now, but I will visit again,
soon in our little cutaway, and laugh,
cry and remember our secret place,
the purple bench, and love
where my world changed forever.